Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Rain and stuff

How does my room get so messy so fast? It's crazy. I'm normally a clean guy, I keep things picked up and put away. Then all of a sudden, I wake up one morning and realize that my desk, both above and below it, is completely covered in junk. Furthermore, I have no place to put said junk, which makes it difficult to alleviate the situation. Argh, more cleanup I guess.

Been three days since I dropped Megs off at the airport and I already miss the little trouble maker. I've gotten 2 phone messages from her so far, and it seems that she made it to Meridia just fine and is making lots of new friends. Of course, this is exactly what I expect; I mean who wouldn't want to be friends with a cute, charming girl like Megs?

Been raining here non-stop over the past 3-4 days. I know I know, the flowers need it, its good for the crops, yadda yadda yadda. Bottom line: those greedy flowers don't need this much rain, and damnit, I need some sun. Makes for some nice sleeping though; the soft patter of descending moisture, sprinkling soft sustenance onto the earth and washing away worries with a wet wand. Alright, enough of this bumbling entry, I got stuff to do.

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