Monday, May 02, 2005


Wow, today was COLD! And not in that kind of "Oh gee, isn't it a chilly spring day?" kind of way where you can still find pockets of sun that provide those tickles of warmth but in the "Someone is attempting to exterminate all life in Minnesota again" kind of way. We have wayyyyy to many of those extermination days for my taste. I always feel sorry for those flowers, trees, birds, and bees that have had the gutts to peak their little noses out only to be slammed down hard for their unparalleled courage. Seems kinda like a natural course of events though, those who are willing to take a chance are often punished for it. Flowers or humans, winter or society. Pick your party and your poison, the net results are the same.

On to cheerier things! Got to go to applebees and eat chicken fajita rollups. Is there anybody out there that does't love these little rolls of joy? If there are I have yet to meet them. Alright, Megs is kickin me off the lappy in a desperate play for some sleep, so this is the end of entry 1. Ciao.

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