Sunday, May 15, 2005

Bye bye baby!

This morning I dropped Megan off at the airport for her six week adventure in Venezuela. Six weeks without her sure will take some getting used to, considering she is my best friend and my closest confidant. Yeah, it may be a little rough not having her around, but I'll survive. Hopefully.

Anyway, before she left, Megs was pretty anxious about the whole thing, worried about coming back, being safe, liking her host family, and meeting friends. Seems to me that all of this is perfectly normal stuff to be worried about, especially the night before you leave. That's because, after you step through the terminal, the choices basically stop and you get into autopilot mode. Flight attendents tell you where to sit and when to get off the plane, hotel clerks tell you where to sleep, school directors and representatives tell you what classes to take at what time and in what rooms, etc. etc. But the night before...the night before is the time you question whether any of it will be worth it, if everything will be ok, if everyone will still love you when you get back...its endless. It's a maddening experience, but in many ways, it's a good experience. It isn't often that we thoroughly question what we are doing and why, what our motives are, and what all the possible outcomes could be. Undoubtedly, that seems like a good thing, questioning who and what you are and what you want or why you do what you do.

Maybe the real revelation in this though is that such questioning can't be done all the time because it is simply too stressful to put up with consistently. Kinda puts a big hole in the whole "live life to the fullest" and "question everything all the time" decrees that are so often uttered by individuals that haven't even got a clue what life is, much less a plan on how to fully enjoy it. Seems like living that way would get really stressful and confusing really fast. Is that why im always so stressed and confused? :) Anyway, at the end of all this, all I want to say is that this morning I had to drop off my lovely girl at the airport and that I'm going to miss hanging out with her for the next six weeks. Adios.

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