Saturday, June 11, 2005

Crazy Two Weeks

Man, talk about your busy times. The past 2 weeks have been absolutely insane in Frankland (you know, the imaginary little world I seem to occupy continuously). Lets start at the beginning...

The biggest thing during this maelstrom of activity has undoubtedly been the preparation for Fusion Dance's Spring Performance. Extra rehersals, costume work, stage prep, and dress rehersals all lead to some busy dance teachers. Last night we had our first of two shows and, overall, everything went very very well. My mom, dad, grandma, and brother all came down to watch the show along with Kristen (Andrew's girlfriend) and Pete, Andrew and myself's roomate. Everybody said they were very impressed by the show and that all of the dances were enjoyable to watch, which is actually a fairly difficult thing to accomplish (aka: no clunker dances). Laura and I had our reunion duet performance which went quite well, no heart attacks, broken bones, or black eyes. Anyway, one performance done, one to go tonight, then my year long stint with Fusion will be over and along with it, my dance teaching career. It sure will be a sad day when I'm done teaching those kids, they all work so hard and are so enjoyable to work with.

Next on the list of big events has been our move from Berry Place to the house in Falcon Heights. Finally, we're done with that place and the creepy ladies that run it (think really intense with bug eyes, *shudder*). The new house is really nice and everybody needs to come visit us, its got enough space for everybody AND everybody's friends, so undoubtedly we will be having a few get togethers for some chips, soda, and some late night streaking. Pete has been working hard to wire the place up and has successfully installed internet into our office downstairs and Andrew's bedroom next door (the house, previously, was not wired for internet). It's so great to have an office where we can keep our computer crap seperate from the rest of our stuff, and it makes for great video game playin'!

Another big thing going on, though not as big (yet) as the first two things, is preparation for our trip to Hawaii! Thats right, Hawaii. The fam and I are leaving for Hawaii tomorrow afternoon, the 12th, until the 25th. We are going to two islands, Oahu and Kauai, of which I am definatly more excited to see Kauai. I'm going to try and keep this blog updated while I'm there, though probably not on a daily basis. I'll also try and keep my Flickr photo page updated so you can see some of the rad scenary of the Hawaiian Islands.

Other misc. stuff that has gone on has been trying to keep in touch with Megs (who recently updated her blog which should be checked out by all), getting my scuba diving liscence, and trying to get a full time job (two interviews and an online assesment). Anyway, gotta bunch of stuff to get done today, so this is the formal end to this long post. Ciao.

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