Wednesday, November 16, 2005

An Update

Hello everybody. As of late, I’ve been writing a fair number of “point of view” pieces or articles about things that interest me, which I’ve found really rewarding and enjoyable. However, the secondary purpose of this blog (second to providing an outlet for my ramblings) is to let people know what is going on in my life. Alright, here it goes…

I suppose the biggest thing that happened recently is that Megan and I celebrated our one year anniversary as a couple. That’s right, Frank Wambach has now dated a girl for a whole year! Amazing, miracles really do happen. Megs and I get to see each other a fair amount since she is still going to school at the U, but her moving to Burnsville makes things tough occasionally. Oh well, what relationship doesn’t have its little things that make it a struggle? All in all, things are very well between us, and the Megatron remains my best friend and closest confidant. If you have not met her yet, please, the next time you are in town, let me know and I will introduce you. She’s somebody you just gotta meet!

I am still working as a relationship manager at Principal Resources doing finance work and am starting to get a little better at it. Everyday seems to have its own special crisis, when the fate of the free world hinges upon our ability to enter data into a computer as fast as humanly possible. I’m learning quite a lot about the business world working there, but more importantly also learning about who I am, what I want out of life, and how I’m going to get it. It’s amazing to me that at 23 years old I’ve been able to learn as many things about myself as I have; kinda alarming in some ways, yet reassuring in others. Hard to explain the way it makes me feel.

Still teaching dance 1 day a week which will soon move to 2 days a week. Sometimes I think that I might have made a mistake coming back since it takes quite a bit of my free time up, but it is a great creative outlet for me. The kids down at Fusion are doing a great job this year, I’ve been very impressed by the progress they have made. Pretty remarkable to think that just 3 years ago, those kids were just starting to learn how to dance like it mattered, now they are scholarship and competition winners. Amazing.

It pains me to say that I’ve been having trouble finding time to do the things that I really enjoy; taking crazy photographs, reading crazy books, and going on crazy adventures. I think that’s kinda the way it goes during these years though, you spend a lot of time doing things you have to do rather than things you want to do, which is sad, yet necessary. I guess all we can really hope for is an opportunity to do what it is we think we want, and that we’re lucky enough that it makes us happy when we get the chance.

I miss a lot of people like crazy. Phil, Rory, Ta, Army Mark, Markadelphia, Jake, Craig… Sometimes it feels like I’m doomed to constantly lose my friends, like a giant magnet is deliberately polarizing them against me and flinging them about the world in reaction to my attempts to get closer. It isn’t anybody’s fault per say, it’s just the way life works at this age, like a giant river carrying us off in our own little boats for parts unknown.

Anyway, I’m starting to ramble. Overall, things are good. I’ve got a job, a good place to live, a great family, and a great girl. What more could a 23 year old guy ask for? Well ok, maybe a sports car and an HD TV would improve my life marginally, but my point is that, for the most part, everything is hunky-dory in this little corner of the world.

1 comment:

Andrew said...

Sure life could be better with the HD tv, but notice, Pete has an HD Tv (unwilling to share with the rest of us) and his life hasn't drastically improved. However, the sports car. Now you're talking. Getting the brand new 2006 Mustang GT 500. Whoo-weee that sends shivers down my spine just thinking about it, then again it is kinda cold on here. Hope you have a good day frank,

Your little brother
